Le due pozze

Sotto la cresta verso il rifugio Fiori del Baldo

Gentiana lutea

Le Due Pozze - Rifugio Fiori del Baldo

Starting point Le Due Pozze, 1263 m

Ending point Rifugio Fiori del Baldo, 1816 m

Difficulty T

Distance 6265m

Average slope 7%

Maximum slope 34%

Uphill \ descent difference in height 598m\-67mm

Altitude min 1263m

max 1816m

Terrain types Paved mule track, dirt road

  • Non gettare rifiuti

    Non gettare rifiuti

  • Non raccogliere fiori

    Non raccogliere fiori

  • Scorta d'acqua e di cibo

    Scorta d'acqua e di cibo

  • Abbigliamento adeguato

    Abbigliamento adeguato

  • Rischi meteo

    Rischi meteo

  • Fondo dissestato

    Fondo dissestato

  • Rifugio\bivacco


One of the most popular routes for hikers leads to the Refuges in a path near the crests of Monte Baldo, offering one of the most beautiful views of the lake and of all the Lombard and Trentino mountain ranges.

The route follows the old road that climbs from the Due Pozze to the junction for Ex Forte di Naole (military road still partly paved) and then continues almost along the ridge with a constant slope up to the junction with the Sentiero della Pastora (path n ° 57). From here, after 2 hairpin bends, you first reach the Fiori del Baldo Refuge (1816 m), then the mountain station of the Ex Seggiovia and after another 100 meters in altitude, the Chierego Refuge.

From here you can continue (path n ° 658) on the old cart road to the Telegrafo Refuge, passing by the Bocchetta del Coal Santo (1980 m) and then by the Passo del Camino (2128 m).

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