Malga Colonei di Pesina

Pazzon - Braga - Malga Colonei di Pesina

Starting point Pazzon, 386 m

Ending point Malga Colonei di Pesina, 1366 m

Difficulty T

Distance 7867m

Average slope 8%

Maximum slope 20%

Uphill \ descent difference in height 968m\-m

Altitude min 379m

max 1347m

Terrain types Asphalt road, dirt road, footpath, dirt road

  • Non gettare rifiuti

    Non gettare rifiuti

  • Non raccogliere fiori

    Non raccogliere fiori

  • Scorta d'acqua e di cibo

    Scorta d'acqua e di cibo

  • Scarpe specifiche

    Scarpe specifiche

  • Fondo dissestato

    Fondo dissestato

  • Fondo scivoloso

    Fondo scivoloso

From the center of Pazzon (fraction of Caprino Veronese, 386m) follow the road towards the Feniletti; cross the road to Spiazzi and continue downhill briefly to the intersection that climbs to Braga (586m), leaving Monte Motta on the left. Before the small medieval district and ancient place of transhumance, follow the path n ° 53, passing under the cliffs of the Sengia Camara (presence of climbing routes).

At the junction with path 662, turn left and follow it on a steep slope, passing by the building called La Fabbrica (902 m) and the Baito di Gro (1183 m) to arrive, crossing a strip of beautiful beech forest, at the intersection with path 64 coming from the Due Pozze: turn right until you reach Malga Colonei di Pesina.

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